Cleaning Laundry
Clothes and other fabric items that have been exposed to mold can usually be cleaned if they are able to go in the washing machine. If able, use a hot water wash. Sometimes repeated washing is necessary.
I like using Borax and white vinegar in the laundry. But any unscented laundry soap should be fine, especially if you use the following hacks:
My favorite hack for laundry that has been in a moldy environment is to use Cascade Complete dishwasher pods. Throw one directly on top of your clothes, and start the wash. This product contains an enzyme that breaks down mycotoxins so that you don’t have to wash a load so many times.
An ozone attachment for your washing machine is also available. This also helps rid clothes of mycotoxins. At first, it’s a good idea to run items through a few times. Later, it helps to keep toxins levels low just by using it with your regular day-to-day laundry.
Many people with biotoxin illness react poorly to scented laundry soaps and dryer sheets. I think of these as poisons to the brain! Please avoid them if possible.