How Mold Detox Works

How Mold Detox Works

Wet buildings produce tiny toxins that are so small they are absorbed through the capillaries in the lungs when they’re breathed in, or absorbed through the skin on contact. Once in the bloodstream, they are transported throughout the body via blood and lymph circulation where they can exit the capillaries and get into the brain or other areas where they also cause inflammation and damage. One area we use to your advantage for detox is where toxins exit the gut and get reabsorbed into what’s called the entero-hepatic recirculation. We use oral binders, both natural and pharmaceutical, to attract and bind toxins in the gut before they can get reabsorbed, and then the binder takes them out through your stool (see detox supps and meds).

For people with the genetic inability to get rid of this type of toxin, it is particularly important that they use binders. Otherwise, they will continue to recirculate toxins, upregulate inflammatory pathways at the gene level, and they won’t get better.

Dr. Robin Thomson

Dr. Robin Thomson
Dr. Robin Thomson is a naturopathic physician who has been practicing medicine since 2005. She is both a primary care provider and an expert in treating patients with biotoxin illnesses like Lyme disease and mold illness.